How to use the Circular Thrift Playbook

Welcome to the Circular Thrift Playbook! We’re so happy you’re on this adventure with us.

The courses in the Playbook are self-guided and should be used in whatever way you learn best. You can take all eight courses in one day if you are eager to get started. Alternatively, if this is a way to think about purpose-driven work outside of your full-time job, then consider spending 15 minutes a day reading through the Playbook when you are unwinding or starting your day.

To fully digest all eight courses should take about four hours, plus time to complete the worksheets and templates we’ve shared. This content is meant to support you as a resource to help you take action. We recommend you work through all eight courses and download and save the materials you find helpful. You can always pop back into a course for more detail. 

Here’s an estimate on how much time each course will take to read with an estimate on the worksheets and templates in each:

A good way to approach the Playbook is to set an objective for yourself for the year. Do you want to host a full year of events? Do you want to say you diverted a ton of textiles from a landfill? That your actions offset X lbs of carbon emissions? That you have reached 50 people who might not normally think about fashion and the environment? Decide, if you feel you know, what success looks like for you, and then decide how you will measure success at each event. 

For example, someone might set a goal for hosting four events in a year and to get 20 attendees to join for each event. Join the conversation in our community Slack and let us know what your goals for the year are. We’ll share them on the Circular Thrift website.

Thank you for your efforts to make a difference with us!

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